What a glorious day! Our Easter weekend was one of delight and as my husband and I reflected on the day I realized I have truly grown up. Josh and I were putting on one of the last coats of paint to our bathroom when we discussed our highlight of the day and I surprised myself with my answer. As I reflected I expected my highlight to center around either Ezekiel, family, or the traditions we take part in each year, but none of these seemed to excite me as much as my Sunday school class.
I truly enjoyed watching Ezekiel discover his basket full of treasures and to his delight eggs with licorice in them. I will never forget the time spent dying easter eggs and watching Ezekiel dunk the eggs with his hands. He eventually covered the table, his arms and tummy with dye. I also loved the time with family in the beautiful weather, but my top moment was in Sunday School.
I was granted the great pleasure of sharing with 5th and 6th graders the true meaning of Easter and how it really is an amazing day because our REDEEMER LIVES!!! We spent the hour rehearing the easter story of Christ dying on the cross, being buried in a tomb, and rising on the third day!! PRAISE THE LORD. But my what I loved the most was reminding them that Jesus gave us forgiveness and we need to share it!!! I was so excited to share with them a bracelet
While this weekend was so amazing I realized I had truly grown up. My highlight wasn't the wonderful baskets full of treasures or the time spent with others whom I love deeply, but I was touched by the power of God's love and how I MUST share this gift with those around me!!
Here are some pictures of our glorious weekend. May your life be touched by the power of Christ's blood and may your life never be the same!!!
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